2021-2022 edTPA Pilot Support LOI

The purpose of this grant is to improve educator quality and effectiveness by offering an educator certification assessment that is performance-based, content-specific, and grand-band specific. The increase in rigor and relevance of the assessment will improve the practices of curriculum and training that lead to educator quality and effectiveness.

Grant Period

From July 8, 2021, to August 31, 2022.

Applications and Award

The following table links to copies of all applications eligible for competitive review and indicates which applicant(s) are preliminarily selected to receive an award, pending successful completion of fiscal and programmatic review and negotiation.

Eligible Applications

Prelim. Award Selection

003 Prairie View A&M University


004 Region 1 Education Service Center


005 Region 20 Education Service Center


006 Sul Ross State University


007 St. Mary鈥檚 University
