2022-2023 Mobile STEM Laboratory

The 91Èȱ¬ is seeking to continue serving Texas with a Mobile STEM Laboratory to be reserved by districts across the state of Texas for one-two week periods. A Mobile STEM Laboratory is defined as a trailer, bus, or pod that can be dropped off at a campus to use with students.

Grant PeriodÌý

From March 15, 2022, to June 2, 2023.ÌýÌý

Applications and AwardÌý

The following table links to scanned copies of all applications eligible for competitive review and indicates which applicant(s) are preliminarily selected to receive an award, pending successful completion of fiscal and programmatic review and negotiation.Ìý

Eligible ApplicationsÌý

Prelim. Award SelectionÌý

001 Learning UndefeatedÌý
